Ready to support your network?

As a Business association, you are advocating Inclusive Business as a new instrument for the private sector to target the markets of the poor in a way more relevant for society. You understand and communicate best the triple-win character of IB (for business return, for the poor, for society).

You are representating the private sector hence, your business association is involved in official IB accreditation, alongside with your country's government agencies.

Your Business association might also have programs for business coaching and mentoring and hence, might wish to add a specific focus on generating IB impact in such capacity building work.

IBee-net offers you capacity building especially on IB business coaching and IB accreditation. We also offer IB market scoping studies and conceptual support in awareness raising work and policy advocacy for creating IB incentives in government industry and development programs involving the private sector.

Want to make money and do good?

On the road to becoming inclusive, you are not alone.  IBee offers business coaching and impact reporting as well as guiding you along the way to growth and profitability with new ideas towards your strategy. We can also connect you to impact investors and help structuring proposals.