Some IB companies – especially in agrobusiness wish to expand their business to overseas markets. A main argument to sell there is their dedicated orientation to create results for the poor and low-income people. Selling IB products goes much beyond fair trade. Our team can help companies finding such markets for IB products. To this end we would work together with local consultants in the respective off-taker countries and orient marketing experts on the specific value addition of IB. We would also engage with the management of off-taker firms to make the case for including products from IB companies in their sales strategies. Furthermore, we would help the IB companies adjust their marketing strategy accordingly.
Further, Inclusive Businesses could be your supply partner, trading partner, development partner or marketing agent. Our offer is twofold :
If you are an Inclusive Business, we help you to access overseas markets. If you seek access to the B40 market or are looking for an Inclusive Businesses trading partner, we help you making the right connection. The IBee-team is ready for your OUT-bound, or IN-bound needs. Contact us to discuss your requirements.