Ready for a triple win?

Particularly in Asia, governments are key for setting up coherent programs to promote IB. Learning from Asia, other countries in Africa (Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia) just started discussing coherent IB promotion programs. 

To this end,

  • some governments committed to set up IB promotion strategies (such as Cambodia, Viet Nam, Philippines)
  • others integrate IB in sectoral programs (such as Indonesia and China), or
  • started engaging in IB promotion policies (such as Malaysia, Myanmar).

IB championing government agencies are particularly ministries of industry trade and commerce, investment boards, agencies tasked with poverty reduction, as well as economic, finance and public investment ministries, in addition to sector  ministries (esp. related to agribusiness, the green economy, or tourism).

Governments are particularly interested in IB because such companies create triple wins for the poor, for the private sector and for society and government.